
What Is an IP Address and What Is it Used for?

For computers, an IP address is similar to the postal address of a house. It is an identification number assigned to a computer in a local network. While most people don’t know what an IP address is or how to find their own, this series of numbers known as an IP address can sometimes be very useful, especially in solving various network connection problems.

IP address is associated with a connection and is essential for the communication of the computer concerned within the network. In this article, you will find out the basics about the role of this precise series of numbers called IP address, as well as useful information about the evolution of this identification number in the years to come.

What is the purpose of an IP address?

Just like a postal address, an IP address allows data to be sent over the Internet to the right address. Sending and receiving data therefore requires an IP address. This number is assigned on a one-time or permanent basis to each device connected to a computer network, and it therefore allows the Internet service provider to know exactly what research or activities the company or individual who connects to the Internet via a computer is carrying out.

It should be known that all the supports which are used as interface of communication via Internet are associated with a precise address Internet Protocol. This applies to computers as well as to smartphones, modems or routers.

The difference between ipv4 and ipv6

The majority of computers and media that connect to the web still use IPV4. This is the Internet Protocol format that has been used worldwide since its creation in 1981. It consists of 4 bytes, separated by a dot. The IPV4 allows to associate to the supports which connect to Internet an address whose size is 32 bits. This format has generated 4.3 billion unique IP addresses.

IPV4 is therefore limited as we can see, which may lead to a shortage of IP addresses in the years to come. It is in response to this problem that IPV6 was created. Its size is 16 bytes, which corresponds to 128 bits of data. IPV6 makes it possible to generate additional addresses in very large numbers.

The major difference between the two formats is the address space advantage of IPV6. There are also two interesting differences:

  • IPV6 represents greater security for users. Mechanisms such as IPsec have been developed for stronger packet and data security.
  • The new standard allows for automatic address configuration: devices can determine their own address by themselves, which means that the user does not have to do what might seem like a complex configuration.

How to locate an IP?

Thanks to the IP address, it is relatively easy to locate a laptop or smartphone that connects to the Internet. Numerous online tools and specialized sites allow, thanks to this identification number associated with the connected device, to provide data on the geolocation of the connected device within a few kilometers. It will be easy to determine the country, the region, the city, as well as the latitude and longitude determining the precise position of the PC or the connected device.

How to hide my IP ?

VPN and IP addresses

The IP address is a precious element that allows your interlocutors to identify you clearly, or hackers to hack their targets. Preserving your anonymity and therefore your address when surfing the Internet can be a way to protect yourself from usurpations or to bypass the numerous restrictions that certain sites impose on regions or countries.

In practice, hiding one’s IP address means using another one than one’s own. To do this, you can use a VPN (virtual private network). This is a software that allows you to transit your connection through a specific network before connecting to the web. It is also possible to use a Proxy, which can be considered as a filter or a gateway that makes the link between your device and the Internet. The proxy will also serve to protect your internet access from online hackers.

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