The Importance of Cybersecurity Among Digital Transformation

The cybersecurity market is constantly growing, boosted by regulations that make companies aware of the risks associated with digital transformation.

With the digital transformation, the security of companies is challenged. Increasingly stringent regulations and technological innovations are largely contributing to the growth of this market, which is still in its infancy.

What are the new risks induced by the digital transformation?

More than ever, the digitalization of companies is accelerating. This is reflected in the massive dematerialization of information systems towards the cloud, the explosion of the Internet of Things, and the accumulation of data from users in Big Data. In this context, cyber attacks related to digital transformation are multiplying.

The main risk induced by digital transformation is the professionalization of cybercrime in the face of a clearly insufficient level of protection for companies. We should also mention the development of massive cyberattacks such as ransomware, Internet fraud, loss of sensitive data and the risks inherent in cloud computing.

There are many examples of cyber attacks related to digital transformation. In the field of connected cars, a recent study showed that almost all vehicles available on the market use insufficiently secure wireless technologies.

Hackers have reported that it is possible to infiltrate the system of these vehicles by simple SMS. In the retail sector, a large number of retailers have been victims of customer data theft in recent years. These were operated from devices located at the point of sale.

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