
Twitter Rolls Out New Features for “Spaces”


Twitter announced on May 5 the arrival of new features for its chat rooms, Spaces. Among them, the possibility for hosts to access the statistics of their spaces.

Twitter Spaces are getting richer

The new features unveiled by the social network are being tested by some users on iOS and Android.

Spaces Stats.

On this screen, hosts and co-hosts will be able to access many statistics about their spaces. Image: Twitter.

Hosts and co-hosts will now have access to data and statistics about their spaces. They will be able to see how many people logged in to listen, how many times the space was replayed, and how many speakers took the floor. This feature was launched in March to a few users and was recently extended to all people who can create spaces.

Example of a Spaces promotion.

With this feature, it will be much easier to interact with and promote Spaces. Image: Twitter.

Twitter is also testing a feature that allows creators to automatically share their space in a tweet when it starts. This will allow users to better identify and participate in Spaces.

More information will be available in the Spaces insert. Image: Twitter.

Finally, the social network plans to give users more information about the spaces in progress. It will be possible to see who is moderating a space, what topic is being discussed, who is talking and whether tweets are being shared.

Audio rooms, a more complex format than it seems

Since the buyout of the Breaker application In 2021, Twitter is putting a lot of effort into developing its audio rooms. The feature is designed to compete with Clubhouse, a live audio app that met with great success during containment in April 2020.

Many web giants have managed to follow the trend, like Reddit with the Talks. On the other hand, some of them missed the boat and got involved too late. The latecomers have scaled back their ambitions, like Spotify and its Greenroom chat rooms. These failures can be explained by a crowded market and by the fact that user interest in this type of space is waning.

More recently, Facebook announced the end of its podcast service and other audio services on its platform. Audio shows will be merged with Facebook Live to allow the social network to focus on features that are easier to monetize.


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