VSEs and SMEs Overestimate Their Level of Protection Against Cyber Attacks

VSE/SME business leaders have a poor perception of cybersecurity risks. Only 25% of them believe that their company has a high risk of being affected by an attack. However, the figures are very clear: cyber attacks are on the rise and affect both large groups and smaller entities.

The cybersecurity of VSEs/SMEs must be taken very seriously, especially in the context of an explosion in the number of computer attacks. However, business leaders have a poor perception of the risks facing their company.

A poor perception of risk

The business leaders surveyed are aware of the risks of cyber attacks but tend to overestimate their level of protection and minimize their personal risk. Thus, 95% of the panel declares to have the impression to know well what cybersecurity is, of which 63% declare to know precisely what it is about. However, in reality, 1 out of 5 SMBs has no one in charge of IT security. However, awareness of this issue increases with the size of the company: one third of companies with 20 to 249 employees have a member of staff dedicated to these issues.

Furthermore, only 25% of business leaders believe that their company is at high risk of being hit by an attack, with only 3% of them being very high. Worse still, 21% of those surveyed believe that the risk is “very low”. However, the figures do not deceive: in 2020, the number of reports related to ransomware has increased by four times compared to 2019.

In the same logic, 80% of business leaders consider that their organization is well protected against IT security risks. Only 5% consider themselves “not at all” protected. Unsurprisingly, those who feel the least protected are mostly those who have already suffered a cyber attack in the past, notes the survey.

A warning system dedicated to small businesses

Long ignored, the government has taken up the subject of protecting VSEs/SMEs. In July 2021, it presented a new alert system in case of a cyber attack. The objective is to circulate information as quickly as possible so that business leaders can increase their vigilance and better protect themselves against cyber attacks.

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