
An Ultimate Guide About Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become an important issue for companies in all sectors, given the rise of cybercrime.

What is cybersecurity?

The term cybersecurity refers to the set of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, devices, computer programs, or data from cyberattacks. It is also sometimes referred to as computer security.

The goal is to preserve the integrity, confidentiality and availability of computer systems and networks and the data they contain. For a business, the main aim is to protect its intellectual property against internal and external threats.

Why has cybersecurity solutions become essential?

This concept has become extremely important, as information technology has become a major part of our society. Private companies, institutions, governments and armies around the world collect and store huge amounts of data which require a high level of security against data breaches and malware.

The adoption of computer software is constantly increasing in various sectors such as finance, military, government, commerce, health or education. Information is becoming digital, and is now accessible through the Internet.

However, a large part of this data is sensitive. It can be intellectual property, financial data, personal or medical information. Any unauthorized access or exposure of such data can have serious consequences. The goal of cybersecurity policy is therefore to protect this information and the systems used to store or process it against cyber attacks.

Over the years, the volume of cyberattacks has been increasing at an unprecedented rate. And their level of sophistication continues to increase. Since 2013, the United States has considered ransomware and phishing attacks to be the greatest threat to national security.

In recent years, large organizations have experienced leaks of highly confidential data: Equifax, Yahoo are just a few examples.

To keep up with the evolution of cybercrime, cybersecurity technologies must also be strengthened. The constant updating of software also introduces new risks and vulnerabilities, as does the migration of many businesses to the cloud. That’s why the cybersecurity industry is booming.

Cybersecurity topics

To be effective, cybersecurity must protect all the different elements of a computer system. Thus, this discipline can be broken down into several points.

Network security:

It is necessary to protect computer networks against penetration, intrusions and attacks, and this includes securing the “endpoints” that allow remote access to a company’s network.

Databases and physical infrastructures must also be defended. Networks are protected by physical and software mechanisms that prevent unauthorized access or misuse.

The same goes for applications, which require constant updates and testing to be safe from possible attacks. Various protections must be implemented in the software and services used by an enterprise.

Protection against phishing and ransomware attacks

Preventing malware including ransomware attacks and phishing requires designing secure system architectures, writing reliable code, or implementing measures to validate input data. The goal is to minimize the probability of cybersecurity risks such as unauthorized access or modification of the software resources.

Within networks and software, data must also be secured by means of reinforced storage systems. Access to the various elements of the IT architecture must also be secured through identity management procedures.

The emergence of new technologies also leads to new cybersecurity requirements. The cloud is increasingly used, and files transferred in these environments must be protected in case a ransomware attack occurs.

The same is true for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, which are taking over from computers in business and homes. The information they contain must be protected against unauthorized access, malware, viruses or even loss.

Finally, cybersecurity also encompasses disaster recovery. Whether it’s a data leak, natural disaster or any other event, data must be able to be protected and restored in the event of an accident.

Cyberattack, data breach and malware… the different threats to cybersecurity

There are different types of cybersecurity threats. First of all, a cyber attack is an internal or external threat to exploit or compromise the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems of a company or individual.

These attacks rely on various tools and illegal methods to damage or gain access to a computer, device, network, application or database.

There are a wide variety of cyber attacks. Some of the most well-known include malware, ransomware, injection attacks, phishing, DDoS attacks, remote code execution, brute force attacks or vulnerability exploitation.

In addition to cyber attacks, cybersecurity also protects against data leakage. This can be an incident or an attack resulting in the exposure of confidential information, making it accessible to anyone.

What are the challenges of cybersecurity?

Cyber attacks and malware are constantly evolving. Cybercriminals are becoming more inventive and creating new forms of malware all the time. This means that cybersecurity must constantly adapt to this mutating threat, and this is one of the main challenges.

It is no longer enough to protect only the most important components of a system and defend them against the most well-known threats. A more proactive and adaptive approach is required.

Security levels must be monitored continuously and in real time, as recommended by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The NIST also advises that the security strategy should be focused on data, not on a “perimeter” as it was in the past.

How to get trained in cybersecurity?

Cyber attacks are becoming more numerous and virulent. It is more important than ever to ensure the security of data, software and hardware.

However, there is currently a shortage of experts in this field. According to the ISC Cybersecurity Workforce Study, the number of cybersecurity professionals would need to increase by 62% to meet current business needs.

And given the high demand, the salaries offered by companies are generally high. On average, a cybersecurity professional earns $115,000 per year.

Therefore, it is very relevant to start a career in cybersecurity. If you enjoy solving problems and anticipating events, this vocation is for you.

Cybersecurity undeniably requires strong technical skills. Mastery of at least one cybersecurity language is a good foundation, and it’s also preferable to understand how computer networks work, authentication and monitoring techniques, access management, data encryption and web application security. A thirst for learning is essential, as cybersecurity is constantly evolving and requires continuous learning throughout one’s career.

However, contrary to popular belief, a college degree is not necessarily necessary. After all, the pioneers of cybersecurity didn’t have one.

The most important thing is to work hard, and contribute to open source projects. Many professionals in this industry are self-taught.

Of course, a degree in cybersecurity or other related discipline offers many opportunities. In fact, many large companies consider a college degree to be a must-have hiring criteria.

Cybersecurity tools and skills are a must

There are a wide variety of paths to start a career in cybersecurity. As a first step, you can list your skills, personal qualities and interests. This will help you choose which role is the best fit for you in the vast IT security ecosystem.

There are already many jobs in cybersecurity, and more roles will emerge in the years to come. These include network security engineer, cloud security engineer, security architect, cybersecurity analysis penetration tester, malware analyst, and cryptographer.

After you’ve chosen your desired position, you can start reading books on the topic to increase your knowledge.

Similarly, the GitHub page “Awesome Infosec” is a collection of crowd-sourced educational resources. You can also start networking by reaching out to industry professionals via Twitter or other social networks. The cybersecurity community is generally open, and you can get valuable advice on the best ways to find a job or to find learning resources.

There are also groups that organize face-to-face gatherings. These include the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA), the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) or ISACA. You can start as a volunteer in these groups, and work on open source projects via the internet. By networking with these groups, you may find an opportunity to launch your career.

There is room for everyone in cybersecurity, not just technical profiles. Knowledge of the business world, the law, psychology and sociology is just as important as technology in ensuring the security of computer systems.

Software developers, data scientists or system analysts are also in high demand. However, security business also need product managers, marketing professionals, press officers and communicators.

So you can help companies without necessarily working for them as an employee. If you discover a bug or a vulnerability, reporting it to the company with a hacker can offer a nice reward. There are full-time bug hunters, but many do it on the side or as part of a training course.

Even if you don’t plan on becoming a cybersecurity professional, it’s very helpful to get trained to gain a solid foundation. This will not only better protect your company’s data, but also your own personal information on a daily basis.

There are several options available to you to train in cybersecurity. In addition to university degrees, there are many online courses available. In particular, you can turn to MOOC platforms and BootCamps. Faced with a shortage of experts, companies are essentially looking for skills and place less importance on the type of training chosen.

As a business owner, it is also very interesting to train your teams and employees on cybersecurity. It was already important for all employees to be educated about computer security risks, and the widespread remote working has made this awareness essential.

To ensure your data and systems are protected, employees need to know best practices such as using complex passwords, browse through VPN and enforcing system firewalls. They also need to know how to recognize phishing attempts and other social engineering methods. Training them in cybersecurity can prevent data breach causing irreparable damage to your reputation and enormous financial loss to your business.

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